Web design is a fickle industry. Just like every other form of artistic expression, Web design has undergone a continuous and surprisingly fast evolution. Once a playground for enthusiasts, it has now become a mature rich medium with strong aesthetic and functional appeal. In fact, we are experiencing what could be the golden era of Web design — or at least the best period thus far. We have powerful new tools at our disposal (CSS3, HTML5, font-embedding, etc.), a plethora of freely available resources, a strong design community and also (if you needed anymore!) reliable support of Web standards in the major browsers.
Design For Delight
As designers, our job is to communicate ideas effectively. For every particular message, we create a context in which the message would work best, guiding users to achieving their tasks, gaining their trust or convincing them of whatever we’re communicating. Of course, there are endless ways to create this context. One of them is to design for visual aesthetics, surprise, joy, happiness — design for delight; design to be memorable and remarkable.
Attractive things work better and help focus and keep the user’s attention. Memorable design increases excitement for products and brands, leading to increased engagement. In fact, a strong, reliable emotional relationship between your clients and their audience could be the best thing that ever happens to your career.
Keypress Navigation
As designers try to make their designs more intuitive, it is no surprise that website designing are becoming more responsive. Not only does this apply to user interfaces in modern Web applications (which are becoming as robust as desktop applications — and often smarter), but with the wide adoption of JavaScript libraries, “classic” websites are becoming more robust and interactive, too.
Attractive things work better and help focus and keep the user’s attention. Memorable design increases excitement for products and brands, leading to increased engagement. In fact, a strong, reliable emotional relationship between your clients and their audience could be the best thing that ever happens to your career.
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