After dominating the television industry for two decades, Balaji Telefilms has entered the web series space with ALT Balaji. With a collection of premium, official and original stories, the company is now making its mark in the world of web series. In addition to movies and TV shows, ALT Balaji is also producing exclusive kid’s shows like Get Crafty with Rob and Beo N Peno. In addition, you can catch lpllive an animated superhero, Shaktimaan, in this popular web series.
The content bank on ALT Balaji spans genres and language, from comedy to drama and mystery to crime. From critically acclaimed writers to award-winning directors, ALT Balaji has something for everyone. From Bollywood movies to live-action characters, the platform is packed with a xekdq large range of titles. In fact, the service has the largest catalogue of regional films on any OTT platform in India. In addition, its OTT app is one of the cheapest, costing just Rs100 for three months.
Users can watch a variety of video content on Altbalaji for free. You can choose a one-month, three-month, or yearly subscription to watch all the videos on the platform. If you decide to subscribe to the service, you can use an Altbalaji coupon code to save money on your subscription. After you have a subscription, you can always renew your subscription at a lower price. You can even download free videos Huay-online from the Altbalaji website.